AdeS joins The Coca-Cola Company portfolio in Latin America

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AdeS joins The Coca-Cola Company portfolio in Latin America

Portfolio diversification is a trend in the largest global companies. With The Coca-Cola Company is no different and another step was taken in this direction: the company recently announced that it has taken control of the AdeS brand in Latin America. For those who are fans of the soy-based beverage, the new double combines the well-known AdeS product quality with the Coca-Cola standard of production and distribution, expanding reach possibilities closer to consumer hands.

“The arrival of AdeS marks the entry of Coca-Cola Brazil into the vegetable-based beverage market, completing the company’s portfolio which, in 2016, with the purchase of Verde Campo, entered the animal protein category. The purchase is part of a company’s strategy to expand product offerings in areas in which we had no previous experience, “said Luiz Valmont, vice president of Strategy and Innovation at Coca-Cola Brazil.

Launched in 1988 in Argentina, AdeS is the leading brand of soy-based beverage in Latin America and belonged to Unilever. As the first major brand to be launched in the category, it pioneered the development of the second largest global market for soy-based beverages. It is present in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile and Colombia. In Brazil, where AdeS accounts for 60% of the share of the soy-based beverage market, the purchase is led by Coca-Cola Brasil and its nine manufacturers Andina, Brasal, FEMSA, Grupo Simões, Solar, CVI, Refrescos Bandeirantes, Uberlândia Refrescos and Sorocaba Refreshments.

By: Paulo Ferreira

Text produced by Ecoverde Contenido Jornalístico.

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