Opportunity to view: world cup.

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Opportunity to view: world cup.

One of the issues that must dominate the marketing market in 2018 will be the Russian World Cup. Although the event will be held between June 14 and July 15, already this year, many companies will begin to define strategies for product launches and events that are linked to this international competition.

A great possibility is to focus on custom packaging design, since it is one of the leading showcases of brands to win over consumers, acting as an invisible salesperson capable of directly boosting sales.

Several brands take advantage of the national passion that is football and that gains even more prominence in the year of the Cup to launch specific products for the event or to change their packaging and to increase the business. In the months leading up to the competition, many consumers are already involved with the subject and are looking for items that refer to the event, especially when they are allusive to the Brazilian National Team. Until May 2014, the eve of the World Cup in Brazil, IBGE identified a growth of almost 5% in retail trade in the quarter and concluded that only thematic actions aimed at the World Cup and Mother’s Day were responsible alone for 48% of the rate of growth in retail.

Companies that have not thought about it yet need to quickly devise strategies to make their products attractive to consumers who are interested in the World Cup. Planning also becomes essential to list which products will have modified packaging and how will the promotions for the points of sale be. An example of good results with the World Cup was the segment of small companies that earned about R $ 500 million with actions and products for the event in Brazil in 2014, according to Sebrae data. The information was obtained from a survey of 42,000 companies that knew how to invest and had great returns with the competition.

They are companies that have defined strategies, launched products with adequate packaging and conquered consumers. Almost all retail products may have packaging related to the main world football competition, especially in Brazil, where there is a great mobilization of people. However, much attention should be given to the technical regulations that exist behind the use of large brands, such as the World Cup, especially in the case of custom packaging. In this respect, the advice of a professional agency is strategic. André Poppovic, president of the Brazilian Association of Design Companies, in an interview for Folha de S. Paulo, stated that packaging design “is certainly the area of ​​business that has the most consolidated and widespread methodologies, the most standardized prices and the more players in action. One can say that packaging design is the most mature area of ​​our market. ”

Recent case study by Foxline Promotional Marketing pointed out that sales can increase by up to 41% within ninety days with the use of personalized gifts as long as the wishes of the target audience are understood. In this context, design agencies, especially those dealing with retailing on a daily basis, are excellent consultants in this process because they know the market movement.



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