A trend of data-driven automation and decision making is taking over industrial processes around the world. It is the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0. In Brazil, according to Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) data, only 9% of companies are at an advanced level of digitization – process transformation in the most automated and digital possible. However, by 2020, the percentage is expected to jump to 72%, which shows a great job opportunity for engineers.
“All the areas we can see offer good opportunities for computer engineers, but the industry is the most promising.” For example, Toyota and Lexus are launching electric cars in Brazil in 2019. It is an arm of the automotive industry with a huge shortage of engineers, “says the coordinator of the Computer Engineering course at Uninter International University Center, Frank Alcantara.
Other fields in full growth are the use of artificial intelligence for the most diverse branches, such as the financial market, process automation, integration of machines with electronic systems (Internet of Things) and data processing. According to research conducted by PwC, 97% of companies believe that data will be essential for decision making in the next five years.
According to the professor, the great demand of the labor market does not guarantee employment for the newly formed. In order to stand out among colleagues, it is necessary to be aware of areas such as Neural Networks and Quantum Computation, which are not yet explored in most undergraduate courses.
Source: http://twixar.me/ZhSn