You've had enough of it when trying to get the noodles out of the bottom of the well or using the final pasta noodles inside the tube. Most of the packaging uses a meal or an intimate hygiene in our day to day end up collaborating with the waste, since it is not totally integrated in the contents of its interior.
To end this problem, a US company has created LiquiGlide, a technique that allows you to take the entire contents of the package to a fine drop without leaving any other.
The technique is to add a new layer of innovative material to the inner surface of the pot. Thus, the material allows the contents of the package to slide out more easily, as if it were a lubricant. Thus, all the liquid is not packed, thus avoiding waste.
See in the videos below what this material is capable of doing:
One principle, this project was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States by Professor Kripa Varanasi and his students. But then, seeing the potential of this creation, they ended up creating a business only on this project. The product is not yet available in the market.